
The Ascension and Heavenly Priesthood of Our Lord is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this volume, professor William Milligan moves beyond the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, to examine the theological implications of Christ’s ascension and role as our heavenly intercessor. Rooted in the Bible, these lecture’s detail the significance of Christ’s ascension, his heavenly priesthood, and his work through the Spirit.

linked with that sentence, that, as things are in a present world, it is only through death that we can conquer death and find the path to life. Thus He submitted to the punishment of a violated law, acknowledging that the law was holy and righteous, and just and good. On the cross He gave Himself for us, the just for the unjust, so that when we identify ourselves with Him as the Victim upon which our help is laid, we behold in Him the law vindicated, our sins expiated, and our admission to the Divine
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